Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 130-142.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0777
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Yayun LIAO1,2(), Feng ZHOU2, Yingxi ZHANG2, Tu'an LV2, Yang HE2, Xiaoyan CHEN2, Kaifu HUO2(
Kaifu HUO;
CLC Number:
Yayun LIAO, Feng ZHOU, Yingxi ZHANG, Tu'an LV, Yang HE, Xiaoyan CHEN, Kaifu HUO. Research progress on fast-charging graphite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2024, 13(1): 130-142.
Fig. 2
Fast-charging graphite facing with the main challenge: (a) Li plating on the graphite anode at 100% DOD at 1 C[27]; (b) Voltage curves of graphite electrodes charged at the 2 C rate with or without local heating of the graphite electrode in coin cells[28]; (c) Li plating occurs on the surface of the high temperature area of the centrally heated graphite anode after fast charging[28]; (d) Li+ diffusion modes in graphite; (e) The concentration polarization diagram of the graphite electrode; (f) Photos of Li+ concentration distribution during the lithiating process of the graphite anode[35]"
Fig. 3
Structure design of fast-charging graphite anode: (a) Schematic diagram of preparation of acid-treated graphite and KOH etched graphite, with the increase of the spacing between the KOH etched graphite layers, the surface pores are generated to promote Li+ diffusion and improve its fast charging performance[39]; (b) Voltage curves of GFms composite electrode under different discharge current densities, when the current is increased from 0.2 C to 30 C, the capacity retention rate is as high as 92%[40]; (c) A magnetic field is applied to make the graphite particles perpendicular to the collector and schematic diagram of the Li+ diffusion path, the structure shortens the Li+ diffusion distance and increases the Li+ diffusion rate[46]"
Table 1
Comparison of structure designing strategies and electrochemical properties of graphite anode materials"
改性策略 | 具体措施 | 比容量/(mAh/g) | 容量保持率 | 引用 |
结构设计 | 利用过氧化氢获得微膨胀层状球形石墨 | 188 (1 C) | — | [ |
采用热剥离制备开放式/半开放式孔结构的膨胀石墨 | 112 (3 A/g) | 500次循环后93 % (1 A/g) | [ | |
酸氧化和KOH蚀刻石墨 | 240 (0.6 A/g) | 1000次循环后96 % (1 A/g) | [ | |
利用中间相沥青制备多孔石墨泡沫(GFms) | 345.3 (30 C) | 50次循环后90.12% (1 C) | [ | |
KOH腐蚀获得具有纳米级孔隙结构的石墨 | — | 100次循环后96.7% (2.5 C) | [ | |
空气氧化制备多通道石墨 | — | 3000次循环后85% (6 C) | [ | |
带通孔的石墨片和CNTs组成的复合电极 | 220 (8 C) | 500次循环后90% (4 C) | [ | |
KOH高温蚀刻制备多通道结构石墨 | 125 (1 C) | 100次循环后74% (6 C) | [ | |
具有活化边缘的石墨 | 150.3 (10 C) | 700次循环后96.05% (5 C) | [ | |
施加磁场制备垂直排列的石墨负极 | 90 (2 C) | — | [ | |
采用激光测绘制备具有垂直多孔通道的3D石墨负极 | — | 600次循环后86% (6 C) | [ | |
在石墨表面生长垂直石墨烯薄片 | 105.4 (5 C) | — | [ |
Fig. 4
Chemical modification of graphite anode improves its charge-discharge performance: (a) Preparation process of SEAG, the electrode can achieve fast Li+ diffusion[56]; (b) Schematic diagram of synthesis of raw graphite and PTFE modified graphite, F doping is conducive to the fast Li+ diffusion in graphite[52]; (c) Rate performance of LNO and graphite half cells at 68—1360 mA/g, the LNO half cell rate performance has been significantly improved[58]"
Table 2
Comparison of chemical modification strategies and electrochemical properties of graphite anode materials"
改性策略 | 具体措施 | 比容量/(mAh/g) | 容量保持率 | 引用 |
化学修饰 | Si/边缘活化石墨复合电极 | 525 (3 C) | 50次循环后99.3% (3 C) | [ |
硼酸球磨石墨 | 330 (5 C) | — | [ | |
聚四氟乙烯改性石墨 | 318 (0.186 A/g) | 60次循环后98.2% (0.1 C) | [ | |
N掺杂的空心结构石墨 | 305 (1 A/g) | 500次循环后98% (1 A/g) | [ | |
氯化钾与石墨混合制备掺K石墨 | 269.7 (1 C) | — | [ | |
石墨浆料中加入LNO制备掺F石墨 | 291.7 (0.68 A/g) | 200次循环后85.7% (0.34 A/g) | [ | |
利用H3PO4和H3BO3制备掺P、掺B石墨 | — | 掺P,掺B>95% (5 C/0.2 C) | [ |
Fig. 5
Fast-charging graphite anode surface coating: (a) Microstructure diagram of hard carbon coated graphite[63]; (b) TiO2-x @graphite core-shell structure,the TiO2-x coating helps to reduce the interface resistance between the electrode and the electrolyte[66]; (c) Rate performance of graphite coated with Al2O3 of different thickness at different current densities,graphite with 1% Al2O3 has a reversible capacity of about 337.1 mAh/gat the current density of 100 mA/g[67]; and (d) MoO x -MoP x / graphite anode material preparation process, both MoO x and nanoscale MoP x can effectively inhibit Li plating during fast charging[68]"
Table 3
Comparison of surface coating strategies and electrochemical properties of graphite anode materials"
改性策略 | 具体措施 | 比容量/(mAh/g) | 容量保持率 | 引用 |
表面包覆 | 纳米级涡轮层状碳包覆石墨 | — | 300次循环后87% (0.17 A/g) | [ |
沥青包覆石墨 | 298 (5 C) | 83% (5 C/0.1 C) | [ | |
TiO2-x @石墨 | 345.2 (10 C) | 98.2% (5 C/0.2 C) | [ | |
Al2O3包覆石墨 | 327.7 (4 A/g) | 100次循环后97.2% (4 A/g) | [ | |
MoO x -MoP x /石墨 | 143.3 (6 C) | 100次循环后86% (6 C) | [ | |
SM包覆石墨 | — | 100次循环后72% (30 C) | [ | |
PVDF包覆石墨 | — | 200次循环后96.3% (0.5 C) | [ |
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