Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 436-461.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0501
• Energy Storage Materials and Devices • Previous Articles Next Articles
Ke LI1(), Yifan HAO1, Zhenhua FANG2, Jing WANG1(
), Songtong ZHANG3, Xiayu ZHU3, Jingyi QIU3, Hai MING3(
Jing WANG, Hai MING;;
CLC Number:
Ke LI, Yifan HAO, Zhenhua FANG, Jing WANG, Songtong ZHANG, Xiayu ZHU, Jingyi QIU, Hai MING. Development and military application analysis of high-power chemical power supply system[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2024, 13(2): 436-461.
Fig. 2
(a), and (b)Three-electrode measurements showing the anode potential(V vs. Li/Li+)as a function of state-of-charge for graphite, Gr-75, Gr-50, Gr-25, and hard carbon; (c)Initial coulombic efficiency (ICE) versus a graphite content plot of the hybrid anodes in three-electrode cell (black) and pouch cell (red) configurations. The ICE of NMC-532 cathode is also labeled in the plot. The charge/discharge rate was fixed at C/10; (d)Cell capacity plot showing the first-cycle charge and discharge capacity of the pouch cells(Advanced Energy Materials has image copyright)[6]"
Fig. 4
Predicted conductivity (a) diffusivity (b) and maximum velocity of penetrance (c) of selected AEM-guided electrolyte systems at 30 ℃, compared to the Gen2 BL. Viscosity of B26 versus Gen2 is given in panel (d). Diffusivity values are based on the Nernst-type stoichiometric average between cation and anion diffusivity values. Panel (c) is the ratio of predicted surface tension to viscosity, an important parameter for liquid permeation into porous media (note the log scale basis)(Energy Storage Materialshas image copyright)[9]"
Fig. 6
Structural characterization of the P2-NaMNNb and P2-NaMN cathode material: (a), (b)Rietveld refinements of X-ray diffraction measurements of P2-NaMN and P2-NaMNNb compounds; (c)Schematic diagram of the effect of Nb doping on crystal structure (Nature Communicationshas image copyright)[15]"
Fig. 7
Fast-charging performances: (a) Charge-discharge curves of VC/C-G at different charging rates with a fixed discharging rate of 1 C; SOC-time plots of (b) VC/C-G and (c) VC/C; dQ/dV plots of (d) VC/C-G; (e) Fast-charging cycling performances at 5—1 C; (f) Summary of capacity retentions at different charging rates; (g) Ex situ XRD results of VC/C-G at the charging rate of 5 C and (h) corresponding enlarged patterns(Advanced Energy Materials has image copyright)[18]"
Fig. 8
Schematic illustration and morphological structure characterizations: (a) Schematic diagram illustrating the synthesis route of the samples; (b) SEM images and (c) mapping of HCM-1300-ZBE; (d), (e) HRTEM images of HCM-1300-ZBE (d) and HCM-1300 (e)(The inset shows the corresponding FFT patterns) (Advanced Materials has image copyright)[20]"
Fig. 10
Electrolyte design principles to suppress the SEI dissolution for highly stable high-voltage sodium-ion batteries: (a), (b) In the conventional electrolyte (a) , SEI dissolution leads to continuous side reactions of SEI formation and electrolyte decomposition, low CEs and irreversible capacity loss. In the low-solvation electrolyte (b), SEI dissolution is suppressed for stable sodium salt anion (FSI-)-derived SEI to stabilize cell long cycling performance; (c)—(e) three main electrolyte design principles to suppress the SEI dissolution: solvent selection by choosing a low dielectric constant (ε) solvent (c), reduced amount of free solvent by manipulating solvation structures (d) and salt-derived SEI with insoluble components (e); (f)—(i) Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulation of the NaFSI/DMC: TFP electrolyte: a snapshot of the electrolyte molecular system from the AIMD simulation (f) and a representative Na+ solvation structure extracted from the AIMD simulations (g), coordination number (h) and projected density of states (PDOS) (with an arbitrary unit) (i) of the NaFSI/DMC: TFP electrolyte. the Fermi level is set to 0 eV in the PDOS analysis(Nat Energy has image copyright)[26]"
Fig. 12
Electrochemical performance of GNC/1T-MoS2/d-Ti3C2T xLIC:(a)Schematic illustration of the energy-storage mechanism of GNC || 1T-MoS2/d-Ti3C2T x LIC; (b)CV curves and(c)GCD profiles of GNC || 1T-MoS2/d-Ti3C2T x LIC within a wide voltage range of 0.1—4 V; (d)Variation of specific capacitance and capacity with current density for GNC || 1T-MoS2/d-Ti3C2T xLIC; (e)Ragone plot of GNC || 1T-MoS2/d-Ti3C2T x LIC; (f)Capacity retention and Coulombic efficiency of GNC//1T-MoS2/d-Ti3C2T x LIC over 5000 cycles(Advanced Functional Materials has image copyright)[44]"
Fig. 14
Material characterizations: (a)Schematic of the transformation from Mo3O10(C6H8N)2·2H2O NWs precursor to MoP/C-NWs (The MoP NPs with amorphous MoO x layers uniformly integrated within conducting carbon scaffolds); (b) XRD patterns and (c) Mo 3D XPS spectra of MoP/C-NWs-3 h, MoP/C-NWs-13 h, and MoP/C-NWs-24 h, respectively; (d), (e)TEM and (f) HRTEM images of MoP/C-NWs-3 h [Insert (f) is the related SAED pattern] (Advanced Energy Materials has image copyright)[49]"
Fig. 16
(a)Schematic illustration of full capacitor based on MXene cathode(here is Nb2C and PTCDI anode); (b)CV curves at different scan rates; (c)GCD curves at 0.1 A/g; (d)Rate performance at different current densities; (e)Cyclic performance at small and large current densities, respectively(Advanced Functional Materialshas image copyright)[54]"
Table 1
Carbon Types and Related Electrochemical Properties Involved in Recent Literature"
序号 | 引入碳 | 电化学测试 | 文献 |
1 | 多孔炭 | 0.1 C下放电比容量为183 mAh/g(高于空白电池151 mAh/g),1 C循环600次后的容量保持率为50.1% | [ |
2 | 稻壳基多级多孔炭 | 在PS℃操作下,初始100%放电深度(DOD)容量为4.40Ah,90个循环后放电容量下降到2.75 Ah | [ |
3 | 稻壳基活性炭(RHAC) | 在HRPS℃和150%荷电状态下60次深循环后的容量保持率分别提高了49.12%和47.2% | [ |
4 | 多级管状多孔炭(HTPC) | 含1.2% HTPC的LCB在0.1 C时的放电比容量为165.4 mAh/g(而空白样品的放电比容量为140.5 mAh/g),在HRPS℃条件下,LCB的循环寿命比对照组延长了3.17倍 | [ |
5 | N掺杂还原氧化石墨烯(N-rGO) | 与具有相同含量 rGO 添加剂的电池(7742次循环)和不含任何碳添加剂的电池(2777次循环)相比,含0.50%(质量分数) N-rGO/PbO 添加剂的电池显示17390次循环 | [ |
Table 2
Performance comparison of high rate chemical power supply systems"
项目 | 锂离子电池 | 钠离子电池 | 赝电容电容器 | 离子型电容器 | 铅炭电池 |
能量密度/( Wh/kg) | 150~300 | 100~160 | 5~50 | 10~50 | 40~60 |
快充/放 | 以分钟为单位 | 以分钟为单位 | 以秒为单位 | 以秒为单位 | 以分钟为单位 |
内阻 | 较高 | 较高 | 低 | 低 | 低 |
工作温度/℃ | -20~60 | -40~80 | -40~80 | -40~70 | -40~50 |
循环寿命 | 3000~15000 | 2000~10000 | 十万次以上 | 万次以上 | 3000 |
安全性 | 一般 | 一般 | 较好 | 一般 | 良好 |
应用(功率/能量) | 中功率 (高能量) | 高功率 (高能量) | 高功率 (中等能量) | 高功率 (中等能量) | 低功率 (中等能量) |
典型产品 | 1.法国GAIA公司研制的341440 NCA高功率电池 2.日本东芝生产的“SCiB”钛酸锂电池 3.比亚迪的刀片磷酸铁锂电池 | 1.Natron Energy 的专利Prussian Blue电极 2.华宇新能源科技公司发布了第一代SIB——“极钠1号” 3.中科海纳建立国内首座100 kWh SIB储能电站示范应用 | 1.Maxwell科技公司生产的3 V/3000 F超级电容器 2.俄罗斯ESMA公司开发的是混合型NiO||AC超级电容器 3.上海奥威的28000F单体 | 1.JM Energy的锂离子电容器ULTIMO 2.东莞市科尼盛电子有限公司出品的Burstcap LIC 3.中国中车集团与Maxwell合作开发的锂离子电容器 | 1.美国EXIDE公司用于SUV汽车起动的轻型EXTREM系列 2.日本古河生产的双极型蓄电池 3.山东圣阳研发的FCP铅炭电池 |
应用场景 | 1.无人机等航空航天领域 2.电动汽车 3.储能 4.便携式电子产品 | 1.储能 2.低速电动车 3.低温启动 | 1.穿戴或柔性电子产品 2.地铁驱动电源 3.UPS电源 | 1.脉冲响应 2.能量回收及启停 3.功率调节 | 1.智能电网,微网电站 2.混合动力汽车 3.低温启动 |
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