Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (12): 3873-3882.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0708
• Special issue on composite thermal storage • Previous Articles Next Articles
Dianwei FU(), Cancan ZHANG(
), Heya NA, Guoqiang WANG, Yuting WU, Yuanwei LU
Cancan ZHANG;
CLC Number:
Dianwei FU, Cancan ZHANG, Heya NA, Guoqiang WANG, Yuting WU, Yuanwei LU. Review of the molecular dynamics of molten salt thermal physical properties[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2023, 12(12): 3873-3882.
Table 1
Molten salt molecular dynamic simulation potential functions"
氯化物、硝酸根和碳酸根熔盐的模拟势函数 | ||||
序号 | 势函数名称 | 应用类型 | 公式 | |
1 | Born-Mayer-Huggins-Tosi-Fumi[ | (1) | ||
(2) | ||||
2 | Born-Mayer-Huggins-Tosi-Fumi[ | (3) | ||
3 | Born-Mayer-Huggins[ | (4) | ||
4 | Born–Mayer–Huggins[ | (5) | ||
5 | Born-Mayer[ | (6) | ||
6 | Busing[ | (7) | ||
7 | Buckingham[ | (8) | ||
(9) | ||||
8 | Buckingham[ | (10) | ||
9 | Lennard-Jones[ | (11) | ||
(12) |
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