Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 546-567.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0577
• Energy Storage System and Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xiaolei LI1(), Jian GAO2(
), Weidong ZHOU1,2(
), Hong LI3,4(
Jian GAO, Weidong ZHOU, Hong LI;;;
CLC Number:
Xiaolei LI, Jian GAO, Weidong ZHOU, Hong LI. Application of COMSOL multiphysics in lithium-ion batteries[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2024, 13(2): 546-567.
Fig. 2
(a) In double polymer electrolyte and organic-inorganic composite double polymer electrolyte, the concentration distribution of lithium ion evolves with time [14]; (b) The current density distribution of porous electrolyte membrane with multilayer nano sheet interface phase [15]; (c) The potential distribution at the electrolyte cavity, the metal boundaries within the cavity at different deposition times, and the deposition current [19]; (d) The von Mises Plane stress analysis, and the corresponding electric potential field and the ion flux density in the Solid-state cell [21]; (e) Potential distribution and lithium flux distribution in the electrolyte/solid electrolyte interface/lithium negative electrode system when there is no/no mixed conductive interface phase Li5Sn2 [22]"
Fig. 3
(a) Li+ transport path and simulation of Li+ concentration distribution in thick electrode [33]; (b) Lithium concentration distribution of three carbon binder domain states at different discharge capacities [36]; (c) Lithium ion concentration distributions of solid electrolyte (up) and CEI (down) in contact with cathode NCM under [37]; (d) Distribution of lithium ion concentration, volume strain, and von Mises stress in positive electrode particles during charge-discharge cycling [38]; (e) The reaction degrees of positive-solvent reaction for various cathode materials (left); Heat generation rates due to different exothermic reactions for the LiMn2O4 cell during 255 ℃ and 275 ℃ (middle), and for LiFePO4 during 275 ℃ (right) [45]"
Fig. 4
(a) The size dependence of the fracture of silicon nanoparticles during the lithiation process (above); When the particle size D of silicon nanoparticles under the critical Dc ≈150 nm, silicon nanoparticles will not crack or fracture upon first lithiation; while D increases, the ratio of surface thickness to particle size (t/D) decreases, indicating the advancing entrance into the first fracture (middle); Stress relaxation due to surface cracking with the cross section of radii R0 and R0/2, respectively; the crack lengths are 0.1R0 in both cases (below, Red represents full lithiation, and blue represents unlithiated)[47]; (b) The lithiation states (left) and the corresponding maximum in-plane principal stress in the cross sections (right) of〈100〉and〈112〉at various lithiation snapshots[48]; (c) For hierarchical porous Si nanoparticles, volume changes during lithiation and delithiation are mainly accommodated by inward Li breathing, causing negligible exterior volume change[49](Red: fully lithiated, blue: unlithiated)"
Fig. 5
(a) Current density distributions on lithium metal surfaces with different heights (h), widths (w) and ridge lengths (LR)[53]; (b) The morphology evolution of BLi, RGLi and FGLi electrodes [58]; (c) Morphology and uniformity of lithium deposition at different applied current densities [62]; (d) Schematic of lithium deposition behavior at different exchange current densities (top) and simulated deposition cross-section (bottom) [64]"
Fig. 6
(a) Lithium deposition morphology with different SEI coverage [66]; (b) Lithium deposition morphology on LiRAP- ASEI/Cu (top) and Cu foil (bottom) [67]; (c) Von Mises stress distribution and failure time of SEI interfacial films with different pd; (d) Von Mises stress distribution and failure time of SEI interfacial films with different ESEI[69]"
Fig. 11
The analysis of publications in the field of COMSOL Multiphysics using the Science Citation Index (SCI), including (a) the annual trend of SCI publications; (b) density maps of SCI publications from major research countries; (c) keyword and contribution networks; and (d) the keyword and contribution networks related to lithium-ion batteries"
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