Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (8): 2491-2503.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0180
• Energy Storage Materials and Devices • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yu HAN1(), Shengling CAO1, Jing NING1, Kangli WANG2, Kai JIANG2, Min ZHOU2(
CLC Number:
Yu HAN, Shengling CAO, Jing NING, Kangli WANG, Kai JIANG, Min ZHOU. Strategies for interfacial modification in lithium metal batteries with polymers[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2023, 12(8): 2491-2503.
Fig. 6
Li nucleation on the bare Cu foil and PNIPAM grafted Cu substrates (a), (b) Illustration of Li nucleation on the bare Cu foil and PNIPAM grafted Cu substrates; (c), (g) SEM images of Li nucleation on bare Cu foil; (d), (h) SEM images of Li nucleation on the PNIPAM-1@Cu substrate; (e), (i) SEM images of Li nucleation on PNIPAM-2@Cu substrate; (f), (j) SEM images of Li nucleation on PNIPAM-3@Cu substrate; (c)—(f) at the current densities of 0.1 mA/cm2; (g)—(j) at the current densities of 0.5 mA/cm2; (k), (l) Top-view simulation images of the distribution of electrodeposition Li atoms on bare Cu foil and PNIPAM polymer brushes grafted Cu substrate, respectively; (m) Cross-sectional simulation image of the electrodeposition Li atoms on PNIPAM polymer-brush-grafted Cu substrate"
Fig. 7
SEM images of the morphology of Li deposited on pristine Cu and PDA-Cu current collectors after different cycles; (a), (e), (i) Cross view and (b), (f), (j) Top view SEM images of the pristine Cu current collector; (c), (g), (k) Cross view and (d), (h), (l) Top view SEM images of the PDA-Cu current collector"
Fig. 10
Schematic illustrations of structure and Li plating behaviour for artificial SEI layers (a) conventional organic-inorganic composite layers based on solid inorganic nanofillers; (b) all-organic composite layers based on rigid and porous xPCMS-g-PEGMA nanofillers prepared by grafting flexible Li+ conductive PEGMA brushes from xPCMS nanospheres, followed by compositing with single-ion-conductive LN"
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