Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2025, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 1-12.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2024.0712

• Energy Storage Materials and Devices •     Next Articles

Preparation of PDOL-based solid electrolyte by in-situ polymerization and its application in lithium metal batteries

Xunchang JIANG1,2(), Kelin YU3, Daxiang YANG1,2,4(), Minhui LIAO5, Yang ZHOU5   

  1. 1.The Green Aeromechanics Research Institute of Chongqing Jiaotong University
    2.Chongqing Jiaotong University
    3.Chongqing Yucai Middle School
    4.Chongqing Key Laboratory of Green Aviation Energy and Power, Chongqing 400000, China
    5.Chongqing Chang'an New Energy Automobile corporation, Chongqing 400074, China
  • Received:2024-07-29 Revised:2024-08-08 Online:2025-01-28 Published:2025-02-25
  • Contact: Daxiang YANG;


YPVDF nanofiber membranes coated with yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) nanoparticles on the surface of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanofibers were prepared by a coaxial electrospinning process. In this process, 1,3-dioxolane (DOL) was used as the polymer precursor monomer; tris (trifluoromethanesulfonic acid) aluminum (Al(OfT)3) was used as the initiator; LiTFSI was used as the lithium salt; and FEC was used as the SEI film additive. In situ polymerization was performed on the YPVDF nanofiber base film with a high surface area to generate PDOL. PDOL formed a large number of YSZ/PDOL organic-inorganic rapid-ion-transport interfaces with YSZ on the surface of YPVDF fibers. PDOL@YPVDF-CSE has an ionic conductivity of 0.94 × 10-4 S/cm at room temperature. The Lewis acid sites (Zr4+, Y3+, and oxygen vacancies) of the YSZ on the YPVDF fibers facilitate the adsorption of anions from LiTFSI, thus promoting the dissociation of Li+ from LiTFSI. Therefore, PDOL@YPVDF-CSE YSZ has a lithium ion migration number of 0.78, and the Lewis acid sites provided by YSZ can synergistically promote the ring opening polymerization of DOL with Al (OfT)3, resulting in a DOL monomer conversion rate of 98.2%. In addition, because of the introduction of YPVDF nanofibers, the heat-resistant decomposition temperature of PDOL@YPVDF-CSE increased to 312 ℃. A symmetric lithium battery assembled as Li| PDOL@YPVDF-CSE |Li was capable of stable cycling for over 1500 h. An assembled LiFeO4| PDOL@YPVDF-CSE | battery subjected to 800 cycles at a rate of 0.5C had a capacity retention rate of 97.4%, and after 500 cycles at a rate of 2C, the capacity retention rate was 96.8%. Meanwhile, the NCM622 | PDOL @ YPVDF-CSE | Li battery assembled with LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 (NCM622) as the positive electrode had a capacity retention rate of 96.2% after 150 cycles at a rate of 1C.

Key words: coaxial electrospinning, poly(1,3-dioxolane), in situ polymerization, electrochemical performance, composite solid electrolyte

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