Energy Storage Science and Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 311-324.doi: 10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2023.0641
• Energy Storage Materials and Devices • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xuejiao DAI1(), Jie YAN1, Guan WANG1, Haotian DONG1, Danfeng JIANG1, Zewei WEI1, Fanxing MENG2, Songtao LIU2, Haitao ZHANG1,3(
Haitao ZHANG;
CLC Number:
Xuejiao DAI, Jie YAN, Guan WANG, Haotian DONG, Danfeng JIANG, Zewei WEI, Fanxing MENG, Songtao LIU, Haitao ZHANG. Research progress of key materials for niobium-based low temperature batteries[J]. Energy Storage Science and Technology, 2024, 13(1): 311-324.
Table 1
Modification method of niobium-based oxide[39-46]"
修饰改性方法 | 合成方法 | 电极材料 | 电化学性能 | 参考文献 |
掺杂金属颗粒 | 球磨 | Cu0.02Ti0.94Nb2.04O7 | 315 mAh/g @ 0.1 C | [ |
球磨 | Ru0.01Ti0.99Nb2O7 | 351 mAh/g @ 0.1 C | [ | |
溶剂热 | Mo-TNO | 190 mAh/g @ 10 C | [ | |
复合碳基材料 | 溶剂热 | TiNb2O7/CNT-KB | 328 mAh/g @ 0.1 C | [ |
溶剂热 | TiNb2O7/C | 200 mAh/g @ 30 C | [ | |
溶剂热 | ACC@TNO | 356 mAh/g @ 0.1 C | [ | |
改变形貌 | 溶剂热 | MS-TNO NS | 349 mAh/g @ 1 C | [ |
溶剂热+静电纺丝 | WS2@TiNb2O7 HNs | 660 mAh/g @ 2 C | [ |
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